How often should you get a massage?
It is recommended that you get a massage at least once every two or three weeks to help aid in healthy tissue repair and reduce pain felt from the intensive workouts that the body is going through. Massage will also help with the accumulation of work-related stress.
What are some of the benefits to getting a massage?

Reduced tension

Improved circulation

Decreased muscle stiffness and muscle knots

Decreased joint inflammation

Better quality of sleep

Quicker recovery between workouts

Improved flexibility

Less pain and soreness

Strengthened immune response

Feeling of relaxation
What happens to your body after a massage?
Massage stimulates receptors that transmit sensory signals to the central nervous system, and this in turn causes the reduction in tension in muscles and the feeling of relaxation. Massage causes the release of endorphins which has been shown to reduce pain and muscle tension.